Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How Do You Spend Your Food Dollars?

Everyone has a food budget.  Whether you sit down each week or month and formally plan what you will spend on food or you just know how much you want or need to spend to feed your family, there is a certain dollar amount you spend each month on eating.  This can include the coffee you get each morning at the local coffee shop, the lunches you eat out at work or the groceries you buy each month.

According to the San Diego 5 A Day Campaign, Americans eat out 4-5 times a week.  This can be the burger you grab for lunch or the dinner date you have on a Saturday night.  When you are deciding how to spend your food dollars, do you think about having a nice dinner at home with your family?  Relaxing around your table with the aroma of dinner in the oven?  Or entertaining friends with a cook-out in the backyard from dinner hot off the grill?  Often people do not cook at home due to the lack of time or experience.  Planning menus, going grocery shopping, prepping and cooking take a great deal of time and effort.  Sometimes it is easier to get fast food than to plan in advance to have that great meal at home.

Entrees4U in Raleigh, makes the planning, shopping and prepping easy.  We do all of that for you and all you have to do is take home our meals and pop them in the oven, on the grill or stove top for a quick and easy, healthy meal, "homemade in our kitchen and cooked in yours"!  And we are less expensive than the supermarket.

Visit our website at http://www.entrees4u.com/ to see what we have to offer as a way to spend your food dollars this week.

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